Powell Blvd., 1986

Everyone knows the first segment of MAX was funded by money earmarked for the dead Mt. Hood freeway. But it was also used to help rebuild Powell.

The freeway was to be 5.3 miles long, connecting  I-5 @ the Marquam Bridge to I-205 at Powell. It would have required the removal of over 1,800 homes and cost $333.9M ($750M 2016 USD). As these and other unsavory facts came to light, the project lost local support and was killed in 1974. But not before right of way clearance began along Powell, leaving those strange parking strips, frontages and the beautiful, broad tree-lined boulevard we all love today. Recently, TriMet has been planning a high-capacity BRT line for a Powell, though plans have been shelved after it was revealed that travel times would not be significantly improved over current conditions.

4 thoughts on “Powell Blvd., 1986

  1. “…beautiful, broad, tree-lined boulevard we all love today?” i hope this was tongue-in-cheek. also, what’s a BRT? you should always spell out acronyms for those that aren’t in the know.


  2. Pingback: Before & After: Powell@ 60th, 1977 | Faded Portland

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